Penerapan Solar Dome Dryer sebagai Teknologi Tepat Guna dalam Pemberdayaan Kelompok Semesta

Anton Yudhana, Retnosyari Septiyani, Alia Ariesanti, Renangga Yudianto, Arsyad Cahya Subrata, Son Ali Akbar


Ngaliyan Village, Ngargosari, Samigaluh, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta has an icon of a herbal industry center that cultivates herbal plants, both simplicia and empon-empon, namely Kelompok Semesta. A start-up business engaged in the processing of herbal plants and spice producers, Kelompok Semesta processes ginger, turmeric, white turmeric, nutmeg leaves, cinnamon leaves, clove leaves, cloves, clove handles, cardamom, lemongrass for sale in the form of fresh simplicia. Lack of knowledge of post-harvest herbal plant processing technology is the main obstacle for the Semesta Group, where the processing is still conventional, and the market segment is limited to neighbors and collectors. The community service team at Ahmad Dahlan University built a Solar Dome Dryer to be able to dry wet simplicia into high quality dry simplicia, as well as provide intensive training and assistance related to diversification of biopharmaceutical or herbal processing to Kelompok Semesta and residents in order to increase the effectiveness of herbal plant management. Building a Solar Dome Dryer and providing intensive training and assistance to Kelompok Semesta was able to increase the independence of members in managing post-harvest herbal plants and significantly increase the selling value of the product.


Empon-empon, Herbal plants, Kelompok Semesta, Simplicia, Solar Dome Dryer

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Copyright (c) 2023 Renangga Yudianto, Anton Yudhana, Retnosyari Septiyani, Alia Ariesanti, Arsyad Cahya Subrata, Son Ali Akbar

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
LPPM Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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