Rochana Ruliyandari, Muhammad Syamsu Hidayat, Ciptasari Prabawati, Solikhah Solikhah, Fatma Nuraisyah


Character is a side that must be built by individuals well from an early age. Multicultural education is one way to provide a new discourse for adolescents to carry out several transformations to build personal character, this multicultural education can holistically help identify weaknesses, failures, and discrimination in a nation's life in individuals. Multicultural education helps individuals in social engineering to be more sensitive to the environment, orphanages can provide facilities and take on roles through multicultural education as non-formal education, to increase awareness of orphanage youth towards a pluralistic society, especially inside the orphanage and outside the orphanage can be a reference for teenagers to be able to Accepting the diversity of human characters, multicultural education encourages understanding of empathy and tolerance in relationships and increases their ability to work together in differences between them. This article tries to show that the practice of multicultural education in Indonesia can be carried out non-formally, separated from the school environment, treated as a monolithic subject. The implementation of multicultural education is based on five dimensions: (a) content integration, (b) knowledge construction process, (c) prejudice reduction, (d) equality pedagogy, and (e) school culture empowerment, starting from where they live in orphanages whose residents are plural society.

Keywords: Multicultural Education, Orphanage, adolescent character


Keywords: Multicultural Education, Orphanage, adolescent character

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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