Pelatihan Memilih dan Memilah Produk Halal pada Mahasiswa Muslim di Jepang

Iis Wahyuningsih, Nina Salamah, Syarifatul Mufidah, Kathina Deswiaqsa


ISAMU is a forum for harmony among Indonesian Muslim students studying in Japan. Most of the products in Japan do not have halal certification, of course, this makes it difficult for Muslim students in Japan to choose halal products because they have to read the product material descriptions one by one. This community service program aims to improve the ability to select and sort halal products for Muslim students in Japan. The implementation method is carried out by: miniseminars and mentoring. The miniseminar with the topic of the critical point of halal food products using zoom media was held on August 14, 2022, while the mentoring was carried out using the Q&A Forum application from August 15-20 2022. The activity was attended by 37 participants who were administrators and members of ISAMU. Participants before being given the material, got a pretest first. After giving the material, it was followed by discussion and posttest. The impact of this activity is that participants' knowledge about the critical point of halal food products increases.


ISAMU, critical point, halal, food

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Copyright (c) 2023 Iis Wahyuningsih, Nina Salamah, Syarifatul Mufidah, Kathina Deswiaqsa

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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