Workshop on Business Opportunities and Challenges for Goods and Services Products Domestic and Export Halal in Palbapang Village, Kapanewon Bantul, Bantul Regency

abdul choliq hidayat


Workshop on Business Opportunities and Challenges for Goods and Services Products Domestic and Export Halal in Palbapang Village, Kapanewon Bantul, Bantul Regency



Abdul Choliq Hidayat


Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Jl. Pramuka No.42, Pandeyan, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55161

 Palbapang Village, Kapanewon Bantul, Bantul Regency, especially in Karasan, Taskombang and Sumuran, young people who are members of the Youth Organization are generally still unemployed, no one is interested in entrepreneurship. Housewives who are still young and have the energy and spare time are also not moved to become entrepreneurs. Some people already have a business of producing goods but admit that it is difficult to market them. This is because one of them is constrained by the Covid-19 pandemic atmosphere since March 2020 and felt until July 2022. During the pandemic, community productivity greatly decreased due to limitations in community activities due to the enactment of Large-Scale Social Restrictions by Government. So that economically the desire to do business in the economy is getting really decreased. The business of producing tempeh, tofu, handicrafts, and other businesses is constrained by marketing, which requires mobility to bring their products to be sold directly to traditional markets. The survey conducted in the field found the problems that arise are: 1). The productivity of youth and society is still low. 2). Marketing of products is still very traditional. 3). Understanding that production is liked by consumers still needs to be improved. 4). Production management, human resources and finance need to be enlightened. 5). Marketing management, especially e-marketing, needs to be provided. 6) Awareness of the economic opportunities that can be achieved needs to be increased, especially halal production and services for the domestic and export markets. Based on the weaknesses that have been disclosed, the agreement between the Karang Taruna Youth and Servants assisted by 9 KKN (Real Work Lecture) students from the Ahmad Dahlan University agreed that empowerment in the field of Human Resources (HR) is needed, namely: 1). Human resource development will understand more productive entrepreneurship, finance, workforce, and marketing strategies. 2). Development of understanding and expertise in the field of e-marketing, utilization of internet/ online/smartphone/gadget systems. The outputs resulting from this service program are: a). Community productivity increases through understanding the importance of entrepreneurship, b). The spirit to start entrepreneurship, especially the youth of Karang Taruna. c). Published activity videos, Intellectual Property Rights certificates and publications in mass media. Keywords: entrepreneurship, halal, domestic and export.

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
LPPM Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
UAD Kampus 2 Unit B, Jl. Pramuka No.5F, Pandeyan, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55161

p-ISSN: 2686-2972 | e-ISSN: 2686-2964

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