Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Sipil Cerdas Digital di Aisyiyah Cabang Ber bah Sleman Yogyakarta

Sri Roviana, Sutifyo Ru'iya, Hanif Cahyo Adi Kistoro, Haryo Tetuko, Egi Nur Hudatun, Annisa Aulia


Aisyiyah is a socio-religious organization that has a moderate understanding of religion. As a women's organization within Muhammadiyah which was founded on May 19, 1919 with the founder Nyai Walidah Ahmad Dahlan, Aisyiyah's organization is engaged in the fields of education, service and health. Aisyiyah's da'wah activities have continued until now, in the social, religious, cultural, educational and economic fields. The digital smart empowerment program is believed to be an urgent need, so that women can make a real contribution in managing the organization, the Aisyiyah Business Charity, and a series of ongoing social causes. This PkM program was carried out on September 23, 2022 with a total of 65 participants who took place at the Brebah Muhamadiyah Vocational School. At the pretest it was found that there were 10 digitally intelligent people and 55 not digitally intelligent. The ability of Aisyiyah residents in terms of digital media literacy is still uneven. This is because in general the leaders of the Aisyiyah Berbah Branch are the senior generation who are less sophisticated in using electronic media. PkM like this is recommended to continue to be carried out to achieve a level of digital intelligence that is more evenly distributed among Aisyiyah residents.


Aisyiyah, civil society, digital media, empowerment

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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