Peningkatan Keterampilan Siswa Sekolah Dasar Terkait Pertolongan Pertama dan Bantuan Hidup Dasar

Dewi Yuniasih, Ana Budi Rahayu, Tira Alfiani Laariya, Bayu Praditya Indarto, Fitriana Mawardi, Ario Tejosukmono


Introduction: Accidents are unpredictable occurrences that can happen in any place and at any moment, irrespective of one's age or geographical location. In light of the significance of first aid awareness, particularly among elementary school pupils, it is crucial to adopt a proactive approach to introduce and educate them in this essential skill.

Objective: This article seeks to examine initiatives aimed at delivering first aid training and basic life support to elementary school kids in the event of accidents.

Approach: The activities conducted on January 5, 2024, involved counseling, training, and simulation of First Aid and BHD. Before the activity, participants engaged in a discussion about the definition of First Aid and the existing knowledge about First Aid. Next, the session progressed to counseling and practical demonstrations on first aid in accidents (P3K) and basic life support. Subsequently, the students conducted a simulation under the supervision of the Community Service team.

Objective: The objective of this service is to enhance the first aid knowledge and skills of students at SDN Tamanan, enabling them to autonomously administer first aid in the event of accidents, both to themselves and their surroundings. Students can also administer first assistance to the community if needed.

Keywords : Basic life support; livelihood; training; first aid; P3K


Bantuan hidup dasar; kehidupan; pelatihan; pertolongan pertama; P3K

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Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Yuniasih, Ana Budi Rahayu, Tira Alfiani Laariya, Bayu Praditya Indarto, Fitriana Mawardi, Ario Tejosukmono

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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