Menanggulangi penyakit antraks untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan

Suripto Suripto, Uswatun Khasanah, Muhammad Safar Nasir, Indanazulfa Qurrota A'yun


Anthrax disease is a contagious disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. This disease can affect humans and animals, especially livestock such as cattle, goats, and sheep. This community service aims to provide knowledge and guidance so that the community can mitigate and prevent anthrax disease through effective prevention and control activities. The method of counseling is carried out by providing socialization and education to farmers about the signs of anthrax disease, its transmission, and the prevention measures that can be taken. In addition, training is also conducted on the use of personal protective equipment, sterilization of farm equipment, and the handling of animals infected with anthrax disease. It is hoped that the results of this community service will increase the knowledge and skills of farmers in recognizing. As part of efforts to maintain community welfare, this community service also provides an understanding of the importance of environmental hygiene around the farm. This includes efforts to prevent the transmission of anthrax disease among livestock and humans. It is hoped that through this community service, the community can improve the health quality of their livestock, thereby positively impacting the overall welfare improvement of the community. With a comprehensive approach involving socialization, education, and training, it is hoped that community service efforts will provide long-term benefits in combating anthrax disease and improving community welfare in the Sustainable Livestock Group of Migunani Nangsri Lor, Candirejo, Semanu, Gunungkidul.


Anthrax Disease, Bacillus Anthracis, Prevention of Anthrax Disease, Animal Quarantine

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