Pelatihan pembuatan kurikulum pendidikan anti-korupsi di SD Muhammadiyah Kayen Condongcatur

Suyitno Suyitno, Putri Maghfiroh, Sheila Indrayani


Corruption is a complex state problem. The right way to overcome this problem has not been found. So, various efforts are needed to understand anti-corruption education. Through the realm of education, both formal and non-formal, efforts to understand anti-corruption education can be carried out. The activity is entitled "Training on creating an Anti-Corruption Education curriculum model" which aims to convey the importance of anti-corruption education which must be implemented from school as a first step to combating corrupt behavior in the future, one of which is through implementing anti-corruption education in elementary schools. The service method is structured in several steps, including coordination, implementation and evaluation. The initial stage includes coordination and licensing with partners, namely Muhammadiyah Kayen Condongcatur Elementary School on August 8 2023. The implementation stage includes socialization and interviews with the principal and curriculum leader of Kayen Condongcatur Muhammadiyah Elementary School on August 24 2023, as well as taking documentation about the anti-corruption education curriculum at Muhammadiyah Elementary School Kayen Condongcatur 08 September 2023. The evaluation stage consists of evaluating and preparing activity reports. The results of this service include finding out that anti-corruption values have been included in the elementary school curriculum and it is hoped that this will produce a golden generation that has the courage to reject corruption. The empowerment level of training activities for creating an anti-corruption curriculum starts from level 1, namely socialization. The impact can be felt by the entire school community both in class and outside of class


Kurikulum, Pendidikan Antikorupsi, Pelatihan

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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