Pelatihan PELITA (Program Skrining Malnutrisi Terpadu pada Lansia) Bagi Kader di Pesantren Lansia Permata

Fitriana Mawardi, Rizqi Amaliah Rauda Ananda, Syifa Aurora Nirwani, Ipho Silvia Alkisna, Ayuningtyas Satya Lestari, Reza Achmad Maulana, Tira Alfiani Laariya


Background: Yogyakarta Province has the highest proportion of elderly people in Indonesia. One of the health problems of the elderly is malnutrition. Pesantren Lansia Permata is one of the elderly communities in the Prambanan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The existing problems are elderly health checks which have not been carried out again after the Covid-19 pandemic and lack of elderly data management. Based on this problem, the team conducts community service activities PELITA (Program Skrining Malnutrisi Terpadu pada Lansia).

Objective: Community service through community empowerment aims to increase the knowledge and abilities of cadres at the Pesantren Lansia Permata to identify nutritional problems for the elderly.

Method: The cadres of the Pesantren Lansia Permata are given education and training regarding malnutrition, training on how to measure nutritional status, training on how to use the Mini Nutritional Assessment-Shoft Form (MNA-SF), and data management using Google Forms and Microsoft Excel.

Results and impact: Based on the pre-test and post-test assessments, the result shows that there is an increase in the post-test score compared to the pre-test score. All cadres have been able to carry out the process of measuring nutritional status and screening using MNA-SF.


cadres; elderly; malnutrition ; pesantren lansia; screening

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Copyright (c) 2024 Fitriana Mawardi, Rizqi Amaliah Rauda Ananda, Syifa Aurora Nirwani, Ipho Silvia Alkisna, Ayuningtyas Satya Lestari, Reza Achmad Maulana, Tira Alfiani Laariya

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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