Pendampingan ibu pada status gizi balita di Dusun Kalisoko, Tuksono, Kulon Progo

Liena Sofiana, Suci Musvita Ayu


Children aged 0-2 years or the first 1000 days is the Golden Age which at that time was the best time for the development of a child's brain. The various causes of cases of malnutrition in toddlers is that most mothers give extra food to their babies at an early age, so it is not the lack of additional food that causes malnutrition, but the lack of knowledge of the right kind of food that can be used as supplementary food for toddlers. The aim to be achieved in the extension carried out on August 6, 2019 was so that the mothers of posyandu toddlers in Kalisoko Hamlet, Tuksono Village, Sentolo Subdistrict, Kulon Progo could increase the knowledge of the importance of maternal assistance in the nutritional status of children under five, so as to improve the health status of toddlers with good nutritional status. At the end of the counseling, all participants are expected to know what can be done to meet the nutritional status of children under five. The material presented in this activity includes counseling about healthy toddlers, diseases and risk factors that occur in toddlers, as well as nutrition and healthy food for toddlers. As for other activities carried out in increasing knowledge in realizing the nutritional status of healthy toddlers, namely by making ASI complementary food training. The results obtained are health counseling activities running well and smoothly, participants actively ask questions and follow counseling from start to finish.


Assistance to mothers, nutritional status, toddlers

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