Pengembangan media pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar

Sumargiyani Sumargiyani, Widayati Widayati


This dedication is based on the lack of instructional media in the form of mathematical teaching aids and the lack of instructional media to help teach understanding and mastering mathematical concepts. The objectives of this service include: (1) providing insight into the use of mathematical teaching aids, (2) providing insight into the model Mathematical learning models, and (3) provide training in making mathematics aids and instructions for their use. The activity was carried out at Muhammadiyah Elementary School in Creative Kembaran Kembaran and Muhammadiyah Mertosanan Elementary School in the even semester of 2018/2019. The activity was attended by 27 teachers. The implementation of this activity uses a method of counseling and training for two days, divided into 8 sessions. The results of the community service activities broaden participants' insights: (1) about teaching aids for elementary school level, (2) how to convey mathematics with fun learning models so that they can be applied in the classroom, (3) teachers are able to practice mathematical teaching aids and make several tools mathematical visual aid along with the instructions. Suggestions given by the participants (1) the existence of more intense and continuous service activities, (2) conveying inexpensive mathematics teaching aids and other learning models for elementary school level.


learning models, teching aids,mathematics.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Sumargiyani Sumargiyani, Widayati Widayati

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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