Edukasi cegah stunting pada ibu dan anak sebagai sinergitas program peningkatan kesehatan PWNA DIY, PCNA Wirobrajan, dan PCA Wirobrajan

Ginanjar Zukhruf Saputri, Susan Fitria Candra Dewi


Today one of the health problems Most of the nutritional problems experienced by toddlers in the world are stunting or short toddler events. Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem in toddlers that is characterized by a shorter body height compared to children his age. Children who suffer from stunting will be more susceptible to disease and adult compilations are at risk for developing degenerative diseases. The impact of stunting is not only in terms of health but also affects the level of intelligence of children. Based on the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2007 the number of short toddlers in Indonesia was 36.8% and decreased to 35.6% in 2010. But the prevalence of short toddlers increased in 2013 to 37.2%. Mother's health condition is crucial for stunting. Anemia in pregnancy is a risk factor for stunting and low birth weight (LBW) babies. The low knowledge of anemia and the poor adherence of iron supplements during pregnancy are risk factors for anemia assessment which will also involve the health of the baby. The program of  stunting prevention  has been promoted by both the government and organizations which ask women one of them is Nasyiatul Aisyiyah. Synergy is needed with the Regional Leader of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (PWNA) in this activity. This community service is designed to make Nasyiah Counselors Prevent Stunting which is expected to provide education at the Regional or Branch level and even the Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (PCNA). As an initial pilot project, stunting education will be carried out at PCNA Wirobrajan and a survey of maternal and child health will be carried out. Community service activities are expected to increase the potential of Nasyiah Cadres as Stunting Prevention Counselors and provide assistance to pregnant women, women who have daughters and girls in stunting prevention activities


stunting, anemia pregnancy, education, prevention of stunting

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Copyright (c) 2019 Ginanjar Zukhruf Saputri, Susan Fitria Candra Dewi

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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