Pendalaman materi statistika berbantuan media berbasis IT bagi Guru Matematika SMA

Nur Arina Hidayati, Rostien Puput Anggoro


The implementation of the revised 2013 curriculum had an impact on the scope of mathematics material as subjects in the interest groups in mathematics and the natural sciences in high schools including Statistics and Opportunity Theory material. This statistical material is given to students of class XII mathematics specialization. In the High School Mathematics Basic Competency (Specialization) point 3.5 mentioned students can explain and determine the distribution of binomial opportunities with the binomial opportunity function. These conditions require teachers of mathematics subjects to master new material that did not exist in the previous curriculum. In resolving cases of normal distribution and binomial distribution one can utilize scientific calculators and Microsoft Excel application programs. The purpose of this activity is to increase the understanding of high school mathematics teachers about Statistics material and hone the teacher's skills in utilizing Information Technology (IT). The method used in the implementation of this activity is 1) Presentation of material on Inferential Statistics 2) Group discussions to solve cases of binomial distribution and IT-based normal distribution of media 3) Practice of compiling binomial tables and normal tables using Microsoft Excel applications.


: Statistics, Information Technology (IT), Binomial Distribution, Normal Distribution, revised 2013 curriculum

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Permendikbud Tahun 2016 Nomor 024 yang diunduh dari laman pada tanggal 28 Februari 2019


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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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