Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Manajemen Risiko Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Bagi Kelompok Sadar Wisata

Helfi Agustin, Khoiriyah Khoiriyah


The direction of policy the Government of  D.I. Yogyakarta is empowerment the community for tourism development. The tourism destination of Breksi Park is managed by Pokdarwis Sambirejo Village, "Lowo Ijo". Increasing the number of visitors each year by> 950,000 in 2018, followed by an increase in the number of workers by 2018 people has made the Breksi Park a public area that is obliged to guarantee the Safety and Health of visitors. The purpose of this activity is to increase the capacity of participants in OHS risk management. The methods used are counseling and training so that workers are aware of potential hazards and are skilled at identifying hazards and assessing risks, planning hazard control techniques and preparing reports. Community Service was carried out on May 24, 2019, July 19, 2019 and August 5, 2019. There was an increase in the average level of knowledge and skills about risk management in occupational safety and health for participants, but statistically the increase was not significant (p = 0, 207) and (p = 0, 014). It is recommended to Breksi Park’s OHS that has been formed, in order to continue the activities in risk management and need to follow up with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). The tourism office and the ministry of tourism need to include risk management as one of the assessment indicators in the tourism arena to improve the consistency of implementating of occupational safety and health risk management.


Training, Risk management, community based tourism, Health tourism, safety tourism

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