Pelatihan pembuatan blog bagi guru SD/MI pada badan kerjasama sekolah (BKS) SD/MI Muhammadiyah/ Aisyiyah Kabupaten Bantul

Lisna Zahrotun, Murinto Murinto


Utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in an agency requires readiness from various parties. This readiness includes readiness in Human Resources (HR) both from the school and parents of students, facilities and infrastructure and support from the leadership of an agency. In the world of education in Elementary Schools (SD) Teachers have an important role in the use of information and communication technology in conducting the learning process and in documenting learning activities. One of the bodies in charge of school activities is the SD / MI Muhammadiyah / Aisyiyah Cooperation Agency (BKS) in Bantul Regency. There are approximately 52 Muhammadiyah / Aisyiyah Elementary Schools which are under the BKS SD / MI. Based on interviews with the BKS, most of the Muhammadiyah / Aisyiyah Elementary Schools have not used Information and Communication Technology in documenting learning activities, even though in terms of facilities and targets almost every teacher already has a personal labtop. So by looking at the condition of the teacher, in this dedication training is conducted to create a blog for teachers at the representatives of SD / MI Muhammadiyah / Aisyiyah Bantul Regency. The method in this service is pre-implementation, training, mentoring and evaluation. Pre-implementation is used to equalize the blog material needed by teachers, in which case the participants fill in the questionnaire before training. Training is a direct practice carried out to increase teacher skills in creating blogs. Assistance is carried out to assist teachers in filling blog content. Evaluation in training is done by distributing questionnaires after training to participants. From the training that has been conducted, the Blog of each trainee is generated, Increasing the competence of teachers in creating and managing Blogs from 47.15% to 81.81%. It also improves the interactive learning process that involves parents through communication using a Blog.



training, blog

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Copyright (c) 2019 Lisna Zahrotun, Murinto Murinto

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
LPPM Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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p-ISSN: 2686-2972 | e-ISSN: 2686-2964

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