Pelatihan pembuatan media pembelajaran berbasis ICT untuk guru SD Muhammadiyah Ambarketawang 3

Bambang Robi'in, Wahyu Pujiyono


The role of technology in the field of education that is popular and growing rapidly at this time is the media or learning resources based on ICT (Information and Communication Technology). One of the opportunities and challenges in facing the industrial era 4.0 in the field of education is innovation in the teaching and learning process from conventional learning to modern learning by utilizing information and computer technology. One form of innovation in learning is the development of multimedia applications for learning media. Muhammadiyah Ambarketawang 3 Primary School has adequate equipment facilities to organize learning by utilizing technology such as computers and LCD projectors. However, the learning process is still carried out classically, not yet utilizing technology-based learning media because of the inability of teachers to create instructional media. This community service program is carried out to increase the capacity of Muhammadiyah Ambarketawang elementary school teachers in making ICT-based learning media. The method of implementation carried out is in the form of training in making instructional media. The results of these community service activities include increasing the understanding and ability of teachers in making ICT-based learning media. This indicator of increasing understanding and ability reached 92.4% from 27% before the training was held


ICT, Multimedia, Instructional Media, Primary School

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