Pelatihan teknik layanan bimbingan dan konseling untuk mengatasi perilaku bullying di SMP Wilayah Kulon Progo

Hardi Prasetiawan, Amien Wahyudi, Erni Hestiningrum


Guidance and counseling is known as a service for students in schools. Guidance and counseling is a science that moves in the field of human services. Guidance and Counseling Services in schools is an effort to help students in the development of personal life, social life, learning activities, and career planning and development. A BK teacher (School Counselor) must have four competencies, namely: pedagogical, personal, social and professional competencies in carrying out various counseling and guidance services. Through this empowerment or service program, Guidance and Counseling services are directed to help overcome weaknesses and obstacles as well as problems faced by special students in alleviating Bullying behavior that occurs in junior high school students. The design of activities in the implementation of community service programs can be done through various methods, namely (1) Group Discussion Forums, (2) counseling, (3) mentoring, (4) training, and (5) brainstorming. The methods of implementation will be presented in a variety of materials and in collaboration with the Kulon Progo Counseling Guidance Teacher Consultation (MGBK), BK Study Program Ahmad Dahlan University, and PDM Kulon Progo.


Bullying, Guidance and Counseling, Service

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