Integrasi kecakapan abad 21 dalam rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran sekolah dasar

Kirana Prama Dewi, Siwi Purwanti


The vortex of the industrial revolution 4.0 is inevitable. The world of education did not escape the influence of the whirlwind of the revolution. Schools have a great responsibility in creating individuals who are ready for the digital age. Extraordinary education is a tremendous demand for education providers in preparing generation Z. Several factors, including the teacher, determine the quality of education. Teachers must be able to make themselves qualified in the education process. The education process will be qualified if there is proper planning. In 2013 revised 2018 curriculum, it is mandatory to integrate 21st century skills in the planning and learning process. The integration of 21st century skills is intended to prepare students to become successful individuals in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. 21st Century skills are relevant to the four pillars of life, including, learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together. Each component contains specific skills that are integrated into learning, namely, critical thinking skills, problem-solving, communication, collaboration, innovation, creation, literacy, and various other skills. Teachers must upgrade their knowledge and skills in integrating 21st century proficiency in learning. The role of the teacher in implementing 21st century learning is crucial, so a workshop for planning learning that incorporates 21st century skills is needed.


Integration of 21st-Century Skills; Lesson Plan; Primary School

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