Lesson study for learning community (LSLC): pelatihan bagi guru matematika kelas 4 SD Muhammadiyah se-Kabupaten Bantul

Dwi Astuti, Harina Fitriyani


A teacher is required to always improve his competence to improve the quality of learning in the classroom so that the quality of graduates will increase. One important competency that needs attention is the professional competence of the teacher. Among the efforts that can be made to improve teacher professionalism is to provide opportunities for teachers to study their learning collaboratively and continuously. This certainly requires the role of teacher peers as well as the support of all school components so that learning communities in the school will be realized. Lesson study is one solution that can be implemented to achieve this. Before the teacher implements lesson study in his class, the teacher needs to be understood in advance about the latest paradigm of lesson study by holding a philosophy to form learning societies, long life learning, a collaboration between all communities and no students are left behind. Therefore, the first activity carried out was a 2-day lesson study training of 54 4th grade mathematics teachers in Muhammadiyah elementary schools in Bantul district. The first-day training method includes lectures and discussions related to 21st-century teacher competencies as well as the lesson study for the learning community (LSLC) paradigm. Whereas the second-day training method uses group discussion combined with gallery work for the presentation of the group's work. The second day was devoted to an open class preparation workshop in each lesson study group. From 54 participants representing one Muhammadiyah elementary school in Bantul district, divided into 3 groups to further hold an open class as a practice of implementing lesson study. The lesson study for learning community training activities have been successfully implemented and received positive responses from the trainees


Lesson Study, Learning Community, Training

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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