Implementasi sistem untuk lanjut usia produktif ‘Aisyiyah Kec. Gondomanan Kota Yogyakarta

Arfiani Nur Khusna, Imam Riadi, Rusydi Umar


Improving prosperous life for the elderly   is an attempt by the government to realize healthy and productive elderly. In the aging process, there are various things that cause the body's function and power to decrease as well as factors to increase the disease. Some elderly people look at old age with an attitude that shows despair and depend on the family. The purpose of this activity is to provide mobile application training in the form of activity guides in terms of health and skills that will help the daily lives of the elderly so that productivity increases and the elderly can live independently, healthy and prosperous. The activity was carried out in three stages: 1) Coordination with the branch leader "Aisyiyah Gondomanan, 2) Training in using flash-based video tutorials, 3) making mobile-based applications. The impact of these activities is to increase the knowledge of the elderly in a healthy, independent and productive life. The elderly begin to change their lifestyle by exercising, following the news and tips on the elderly through a mobile phone so that they are trained in their independence and do not depend on others


healthy elderly, productive elderly, mobile application

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Copyright (c) 2019 Arfiani Nur Khusna, Imam Riadi, Rusydi Umar

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
LPPM Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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