Pemberdayaan kelompok wanita tani Desa Ambarketawang dalam pengolahan minyak jelantah menjadi sabun padat

Nurul Suwartiningsih, Ambar Pratiwi, Oktira Roka Aji


People in Ambaraketawang village have begun to have awareness about the dangers of littering. However, awareness of sorting and processing household waste has not been carried out. One of the procesing was processing of waste cooking oil (waste cooking). The aim of this activity was to improve the knowledge and skills of Ambarketawang villagers, especially the women of the Farmers Group (KWT) in processing waste cooking oil and increasing the income of Ambarketawang KWT members. The kind of activity were counseling, training and assistance in the processing of household waste, especially waste cooking oil. This activity is an effort to reduce and manage household waste into something that has a use value.. The activity was divided into several sessions including socialization, counseling, training to process cooking oil into soap and evaluation. Outputs are in the form of national community service seminars, manuscripts published in service proceeding, enhancing partner empowerment, and products in the form of soap. The effect of this activity was increasing members' knowledge and skills in processing waste cooking oil into goods that have economic value, namely soap, so that it hopes to help improve the economy of citizens.


processing, used cooking oil, soap, Ambarketawang

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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