Pengembangan usaha kelompok emping jagung bina sejahtera melalui pendampingan pemasaran online untuk menghadapi era industri 4.0

Eka Sulistyaningsih, Nidia Lestari, Rosalia Arum Kumalasanti


Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are seen as quite giving a significant contribution to the national economy. One very important aspect in SMEs is marketing. Consumers will not know about a product produced from these SMEs without marketing. Marketing also plays a role in maintaining the company's existence. In facing the industry 4.0 era, online marketing is a strategy that must be implemented by every SME that wants to survive in the midst of dynamic technological developments. Emping Jagung Bina Sejahtera Group has been established for 5 years, but its marketing is still limited. The lack of information media also made the sale of corn chips not yet widespread, sales so far are still around the hamlet of Tegalpulisi, Brajan, Prambanan.

Based on the above, then to improve marketing, it is necessary to do online marketing assistance. The choice of social media is due to the increasing number of social media users every year. This marketing assistance begins with training on creating an email account and social media, namely Facebook, to members and administrators of the Group under the name Emping Jagung Krenyess. Partners create a facebook account then create advertisements and join various Buy and Sell groups. By making advertisements on social media, the marketing will become more widespread. This marked the presence of people who ordered Corn Chips to be sent to Tangerang.


Emping Jagung, Facebook, Online Marketing, Small and Medium Enterprises

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Copyright (c) 2019 Eka Sulistyaningsih, Nidia Lestari, Rosalia Arum Kumalasanti

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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