Peran perempuan dalam pemilihan umum di era demokrasi

Anom Wahyu Asmorojati, Muhammad Nur


Women who initially served as complementary are now taking roles both in quantity and quality in the political process at the level of policies and strategic decisions related to the socio-economic development of society. From this statement it can be seen that women have an equally important position in decision making, especially in the political field. But the lack of understanding of women with political rules can be detrimental to themselves. Community service activities aimed at providing knowledge about political education and political rights and practical political skills to PCA Banguntapan Utara mothers. The main target of the training was women members of PCA Banguntapan Utara. The method of carrying out activities includes lectures, discussions, and practice with devotion consisting of the role of women and political education. The result of this community service activity is a change in women's knowledge and skills in political engagement that is good and right according to their role. The outputs of this community service activity are national journals, activity videos, and publications in newspapers


the role of women, political education, democracy

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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