Pengembangan profesionalisme guru SMP Muhammadiyah 1 & 2 Kalibawang melalui pelatihan karya tulis ilmiah

Hendro Kusumo Eko Prasetyo Moro


Developing teacher professionalism in Muhammadiyah 1 and 2 Kalibawang Middle Schools is a challenge, especially in writing scientific publication. The conditions of teacher in partner school are required to continue to have scientific papers. The need to publish articles is not only for the benefit of the teacher but also the progress of the school. The aim of this activity is to make progress in teacher professionalism through the ability to write scientific papers.Method for improving teacher writing skills is through training, mentoring & writing clinics, as well as direct participation of teachers in national-level publications. It is hoped that teachers will be able to apply writing as well as publication of scientific papers better.The results of this activity were obtained by four collaborative teacher articles from both partner schools and students involved in community service programs. The four groups consisted of nine teachers who were divided into groups of teachers in Indonesian, Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and English. Problems and ideas raised in each group article are quite varied. The English and Natural Sciences group is more concerned with comparing learning conditions in the two schools. Indonesian and Mathematics Groups collaborate with each other on input of both ideas and situations that occur in both schools. The impact of this activity was that an article was successfully presented at the national symposium in Yogyakarta


Scientific repport, Teacher, Training

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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