Active learning with integrative thematic approaches for Muhammadiyah school teachers in Yogyakarta city region

Nur Hidayah, Fitri Indriani, Diyah Puspitarini


Improving the various approaches in the learning process at school is very important to do, along with the development of the times and conditions of the students as if demanding the teacher to do the right methods to get what is expected. Active learning with an integrative thematic approach for Muhammadiyah elementary school teachers in Yogyakarta city area aims to provide insight and experience about taching models that focus on collaborative themes with student activity. This study uses an field research approach by providing training and monitoring to elementary school. The result this reseach is active learning conducted by teachers from the planning, implementation and closing are done well; the teacher is able to carry out various kinds of active cooperative learning as a thematic approach and this activity runs effectively; the concept of Islamic values in the integrative thematic approach can be implemented by teachers. The obstacle of implementing this activity is that teachers find it difficult to start using one of the cooperative learning methods to be used for each lesson.


active, learning, thematic, integrative

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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