Penyuluhan titik kritis pemilihan daging hewan dan identifikasi bahan berbahaya pada makanan yang di jual di Lingkungan Madrasah

Any Guntarti, Ika Dyah Kumalasari, Hari Susanti


Halal food and free from food additives (BTM) are the needs of the community. The aim of community service is to expand knowledge for madrash  canteen managers and madrasah catering about halal food and toyyib. The method of work carried out by conducting counseling about the critical point of choosing halal meat, dangerous foods and  testing food that contain hazardous ingredients. In the test for borax, curcumin paper is used and in the test for formalin, Schiff's solution is used. Borax test results showed  that  from 23 types of food, 34.78% positive containing borax. Formalin test results from 28 types of food, 96.43% containing formalin. Based on the results of the borax test and formalin test, the madrasah will be more selective in choosing foods that are circulating in the madrasah environment and provide education for producers of food providers for the madrasah.


Halal, Food additive, Borax, Formalin

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