Pengelolaan kehartabendaan wakaf berbasis teknologi informasi di PCM Piyungan

Sri Winiarti, Norma Sari, Herman Yuliansyah


Waqf in Muhammadiyah has an important role in the development of the Muhammadiyah Association and muslim in general. Muhammadiyah Association tries to utilize waqf for religious as well as social facilities. The purpose of this activity is to increase the soft skills of waqf and property management in Muhammadiyah. The output of this activity is a software that is registered as a copyright in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, a training module and publication. The methods applied in this program are Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Software Development and Application Training. The implementation phase begins with coordination with the PCM Piyungan, program plan socialization, developing a waqf system application, providing material, evaluating and analyzing the implementation, and publishing the results. The result shows that (1) Participants have increased knowledge and are able to analyze the main problems related to governance of property matters; (2) participants experienced an increase in knowledge about prototype of waqaf and property management application and were able to analyze the weaknesses of the prototype to be repaired; (3) Participants better understand and have skills in utilizing information technology in in managing data for  documentation and report, (5) The application can be used by Piyungan PCM to prevent from loss data and documentation digitally


application training, governance, waqf and property

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Copyright (c) 2019 Sri Winiarti, Norma Sari, Herman Yuliansyah

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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