Pelatihan penerapan blended learning untuk guru fisika di masa pandemi

Dian Artha Kusumaningtyas, Fajar Fitri


Learning using IT-based technology is indispensable. Especially like the current conditions, that the world is experiencing a Covid-19 pandemic. Face-to-face learning in class inevitably has to be replaced online. However, many teachers experience problems in designing and implementing online learning. Blended Learning is a learning method that combines face-toface learning with online learning. This method is an alternative learning that can be applied in the current pandemic era. Therefore, the service provider feels the need to organize a training on the application of Blended Learning for science teachers. The service method is to carry out three sessions of online training and continue with consultation via WhatsApp. A total of 22 teachers attended this training, with an average response of satisfaction and understanding of the material provided. The impact of this training is that the training participants understand how the steps are in implementing online learning while being able to create online media suitable for teaching physics material.


Blended learning, Physics learning, learning during a pandemic

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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