Optimalisasi pengelolaan zakat, infaq, dan sodaqoh dengan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi di Wilayah Kota Yogyakarta

Ika Arfiani, Supriyanto Supriyanto, Nuril Anwar


As a manager of public funds, the aspects of transparency and accountability are the main assets to gain the trust of the wider community. One example of social activities in mosques is the management of Zakat Infaq Sodaqoh (ZIS). Approximately 500 mosques in the Yogyakarta City area manage ZIS for the welfare of the community. Currently, ZIS has not been able to reach its potential. One of the causes is the lack of coordination between the Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ) for the realization of the collection and utilization of ZIS. Other problems are the too many ZIS numbers, the low effectiveness of the utilization program, the low synergy between stakeholders, and the low human resources / amil involved in it. Lecture, simulation, and evaluation methods will be applied in this service process to improve coordination among all stakeholders involved in ZIS management, monitor the results obtained by each LAZ, and maximize the distribution and utilization of ZIS in the community with valid data. The result of this dedication is to build and implement an integrated system of mosque management, ZIS management points that can maximize the collection up to the utilization of ZIS for the welfare of the community by utilizing information technology.



zakat management, management, information technology, baznas

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