Bakti negeri bagi dunia pendidikan melalui tata kelola karya cipta sekolah

Sri Winiarti, ulaya Ahdiani, Supri yanto


With the implementation of the online learning process by the Ministry of Education and Culture during the Pandemic period, all learning activities were implemented online. So far, prevention efforts have not been optimal for teachers to detect plagiarism in assigning assignments to students. The purpose of this proposed community service activity is to help schools manage the creations of teachers and students in schools. The existing documentation is in the form of publications with leaflets, billboards or activity posters that are published manually and are stored separately and archived as a copy. In the implementation of community service for Muhammadiyah schools throughout Gunung Kidul, the method started with coordination with partners, program socialization, making school work applications, transfer of knowledge, practice, and evaluation then ended with the socialization of the results. In its implementation, it involves students and lecturers from multiple disciplines. The Sasran are teachers and students of Muhammadiyah schools in Gunung Kidul. The results of this activity community service related to the management of the school's creative works gave positive results from the schools that participated in the activity. In general, the implementation of this community service activity was stated to be good at 78.3%, while in terms of the products produced it was stated good at 67.8%. The results of this evaluation are obtained based on a questionnaire distributed as a measure of the level of satisfaction in the implementation of this PKM activity.


intellectual property management, school copyright e-works application, e-Copyright

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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