Pelatihan metode montessori untuk guru SD di Klaster Macanan

mukti sintawati, Asih Mardati


Mathematics subjects have abstract material for elementary school students. This of course requires teachers to use more concrete strategies / methods in introducing mathematics material to students in elementary schools. One way to teach mathematics to elementary school students is to use the montessori method. The montessori method uses teaching aids so that mathematics learning is more concrete for elementary students. However, not all teachers have knowledge of the Montessori method. Primary school teachers in the Macanan cluster did not yet know what methods could be used in mathematics learning and were not able to develop mathematics teaching aids themselves. Therefore, this activity aims to increase teacher knowledge about the application of the montessori method and the development of montessori-based teaching aids. This activity is carried out online and offline in the form of providing materials, practicing the application of the Montessori method, and practicing making montessori-based props. The result of this activity is that elementary school teachers in the Macanan cluster can 1) know the meaning of the montessori method, 2) implement montessori learning, and 3) develop montessori based teaching aids.


primary school, mathematics. montessori

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Copyright (c) 2020 mukti sintawati, Asih Mardati

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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