Peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran aktif berbasis HOTS bagi guru di Kecamatan Tempel di era pandemi Covid-19

Meita Fitrianawati, Ega Asnatasia Maharani


In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, students experienced boredom in carrying out online-based learning. In fact, high-order thinking skills in learning are needed by students, especially students in this digital era. However, most of the teachers, especially those in Tempel sub-district, still did not have an understanding of HOTS-based active learning, which resulted in the quality of learning used by the teacher being unable to measure higher-order thinking skills. This training aims to improve the quality of HOTS-based teaching for elementary school teachers in Tempel District. The training participants are elementary school teachers in Tempel sub-district. The methods used in this training are skills training, workshops and mentoring which is conducted for 6 months. Based on the training that has been implemented, there has been an increase in the quality of teachers in preparing HOTS-based active learning.


Active learning, HOTS-based learning, quality of learning

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Copyright (c) 2020 Meita Fitrianawati, Ega Asnatasia Maharani

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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