Pemberdayaan anggota pimpinan cabang 'aisyiyah (PCA) Gamping dalam pengelolaan sampah plastik

Oktira Roka Aji, Ambar Pratiwi, Nurul Suwartiningsih


Household waste is one of the major waste sources consisting of organic and inorganic material. The main component in household inorganic waste is plastic waste. Plastic waste has a negative impact on the environment because it takes a long time to degrade. If there is no public awareness to reduce the use and manage of plastic waste, plastic waste will eventually accumulate and pollute the environment. Gamping sub-district is one of the sub-districts in Sleman Regency. The population density in Gamping sub-district was 3.715,4 people per square mile. Public knowledge in Gamping about the dangers of plastic waste has increased but awareness of managing plastic waste was still limited. This program aims to provide counseling and training to the Gamping community, especially partners, Pimpinan Cabang 'Aisyiyah (PCA) Gamping in plastic waste management. This program consists of counseling and training in plastic waste management. The training consisted of making handicrafts and planting media (mediaplast) from used plastic bags. This program has a positive impact in increasing participants' knowledge and skills in plastic waste management.


community development, household waste, plastic waste, waste management

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Copyright (c) 2020 Oktira Roka Aji, Ambar Pratiwi, Nurul Suwartiningsih

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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