Peningkatan kompetensi takhrij hadist santri panti asuhan Muhammadiyah Kulonprogo melalui pelatihan optimasi maktabah syamilah

Yazida Ichsan, Difa’ul Difa’ul, Unik Hanifah Salsabila


Muhammadiyah Orphanage is a form of institution under Muhammadiyah that concentrates on the empowerment and maintenance of orphans and neglected children and children who are poor. Based on the identification results that have been done, the problems faced by the partners include three problems, namely; 1) lack of intensity in the study of the science of tafsir and hadith, 2) the lack of depth in the knowledge of the students related to the understanding of hadith in terms of quality, 3) the minimal use of applications, especially related to takhrij and i'tibar, so there needs to be an effort to increase the competence of using the application so that can be used as a source of da'wah material for the students and useful for their lives. Based on the problems faced by partners related to increasing competence in hadith takhrij by using the maktabah syamilah application, it is necessary to have the right solution and approach so that the problems faced can be resolved immediately, among others through several methods b; 1) provide training and mentoring and assessment to determine the level of knowledge of students in the field of hadith and Arabic as a supporting medium for understanding and using applications, 2) providing training, mentoring, and testing the results of using the Maktabah Syamilah application, 3) providing assistance in the learning process in the classroom related to the systematic flow of takhrij and i'tibar so that the students understand the degree of authentic hadiths, hasan, dha'if and even maudhu 'so that they can choose and sort out the arguments that can be used as evidence or not. The results of this activity students are able to master the basics of the application of maktabah syamilah and can understand the hadith comprehensively, can search for several hadiths quickly and accurately and can understand the science of hadith in a basic way.


Orphanage, Takhrij Hadith, Maktabah Syamilah

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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