Optimasi Platform Digital Untuk Guru PAI Di Pondok Pesantren

Unik Hanifah Salsabila, Arif Ardy Wibowo


The digital platform optimization program aims to improve the ability of Islamic boarding school teachers in Yogyakarta City to use digital learning platforms, particularly PAI. The problems faced are the lack of knowledge among teachers about the value of digital literacy, the insufficient capacity of teachers to use digital platforms, and the lack of creativity among teachers to create new teaching materials in lessons in Islamic education. Digital literacy socialization, training on the use of Google Suites, and training on creating innovative slides with PowerPoint conducted to solve this issue. For two semesters with a length of 700-800 minutes or 13 hours for each session. The participants consisted of 12 randomly chosen Islamic boarding school teachers. The curriculum begins from 06 July 2020 to 28 October 2020 in Even Semester 2019/2020 and Odd Semester 2020/2021, involving one information technology media professional, two lecturers with experience in education and digital communications media, and two students. The results achieved by the program increase the knowledge and understanding of teachers about the needs of digital literacy, increase the capacity of teachers of Islamic Education to use Google Suites and increase the creativity of teachers of Islamic Education to create teaching materials using PowerPoint.


learning platform; digital literacy; teacher; Islamic boarding school

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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