Pelatihan pembelajaran inovatif berbasis Mentimeter

Afit Istiandaru, Anggit Prabowo


Mentimeter is an online presentation platform that allows dynamic interaction between presenters and audiences in a virtual space. One of the challenges of online learning is the difficulty of exploring the interactions between students and teacher. This is a problem for most mathematics teachers, especially at Muhammadiyah Junior High Schools in Yogyakarta City. This community service activity aims to train targeted mathematics teachers to be skilled at utilizing the mentimeter platform in synchronous online learning. The activity involved the Majelis Dikdasmen PDM Kota Yogyakarta as a partner. There were 21 mathematics teachers participating in the training. The training is carried out online using demonstration and practical methods. At first, none of the teachers were familiar with or used the mentimeter. After the training, 11 teachers admitted that they really needed the material, 10 teachers were able to attend the training well, and 10 teachers were interested in applying it in their learning. This means that training has a positive impact on the professional development of SMP Muhammadiyah teachers throughout Yogyakarta.


Mentimeter, presentation, interaction, distant learning

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Copyright (c) 2020 Afit Istiandaru, Anggit Prabowo

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
LPPM Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
UAD Kampus 2 Unit B, Jl. Pramuka No.5F, Pandeyan, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55161

p-ISSN: 2686-2972 | e-ISSN: 2686-2964

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