Pelatihan da’i antikorupsi di tengah pandemi Covid-19 bagi paguyuban mubaligh dan Pimpinan Ranting Muhamamdiyah/Aisyiyah (PRM/ PRA) desa antikorupsi Kelurahan Prenggan Kotagede Yogyakarta

Suyadi Suyadi, Waharjani Waharjani, Sumaryati Sumaryati, Diyan Faturrahman, Awhinarto Awhinarto


Prenggan, Kotagede, Yogyakarta, is a village under the guidance of Ahmad Dahlan University, which has piloted the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as an anti-corruption village. Since 2013, Prengan Village has received special assistance from the KPK to strengthen family-based anti-corruption values. However, in 2017 the KPK's programs stopped and ran until 2020. The analysis of the current situation with the Prenggan village head and the Prenggan Muhammadiyah Branch Leader (PRM) shows that so far the KPK programs only touched the target group of children and families. Meanwhile, the Ta'mir Masjid group and the Mubaligh Association in it have not been touched. This Community Service Program invites 2 (two) partners, namely Paguyuban Mubaligh Prengan and PRM Prenggan. The priority problem is the lack of participation of Da'i / Mubaligh in realizing Prenggan as an Anti-Corruption Village. The implementation method is socialization, training, and blanded learning workshops, because it is still during the Covid-19 pandemic. Activities are carried out in August 2020 every Saturday and Sunday (8 days). Considering that Prengan is included in the orange zone, the activities of the Mubaligh Association partners are carried out in the hall of Campus 2 UAD. These activities include training on Da'i Anti-Corruption, workshops for drafting anti-corruption da'wah materials, and digitizing anti-corruption da'wah. The output of this service is an increase in the competence of anti-corruption da'I, both in terms of attitudes, knowledge and skills, from the previous 30% to 45% competence. From the institutional side, this service has initiated organizational governance at the branch level with integrity.


Anti-corruption da'i, Muhammadiyah branch leaders, paguyuban mubaligh Prenggan

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Copyright (c) 2020 Suyadi Suyadi, Waharjani Waharjani, Sumaryati Sumaryati, Diyan Faturrahman, Awhinarto Awhinarto

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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