Pendampingan Kader Dalam Pengelolaan Posyandu di Dusun Kalisoko Desa Tuksono, Sentolo Kulon Progo

Liena Sofiana, Suci Musvita Ayu, Annisa Parisudha


Posyandu cadres can play an important role in the process of information and health skills to the community. Cadres need to have the correct knowledge and skills in weighing, providing services and nutrition counseling or counseling because it is related to stunting problems. Posyandu cadres' knowledge about monitoring the growth of children under five is one of the factors that influence cadre skills. The still high incidence of stunting could also be due to the cadres' lack of understanding of the nutritional status and accuracy of cadres in taking anthropometric measurements. The purpose of community service activities is to improve the skills of posyandu cadres in anthropometric measurements and assessing the nutritional status of children. This service was carried out for 4 days at the Posyandu in Kalisoko, Tuksono Village. This activity is in the form of providing material on posyandu management, nutritional problems for children under five, health counseling, anthropometric measurements and interpretation of results. The results of the activity indicated that there was an increase in knowledge, attitudes in posyandu management and skills of posyandu cadres in making measurements such as height, weight, body length, arm circumference, correct and valid head circumference and interpretation of the measurement results. Based on the observation assessment that community service activities are running well and smoothly


assistance, management of posyandu, anthropometry, cadres

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Copyright (c) 2020 Liena Sofiana, Suci Musvita Ayu, Annisa Parisudha

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