Pelatihan computational thinking dan sosialisasi gerakan pandai bagi guru SD Muhammadiyah di Gunungkidul

Dinan Yulianto, Murein Miksa Mardia


Today, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) will propose a new regulation on the children's education system in Indonesia by adding elements of Compassion and Computational Thinking. Computational thinking is a problem-solving method in a comprehensive, logical, and structured manner. The characteristics of computational thinking to analyze every complex problem into smaller segments to produce effective and efficient solutions are abilities that must be possessed by teachers and students in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 and Society 5.0. The Activities to realize computational thinking skills for teachers and students at SD Muhammadiyah in the Gunungkidul region are carried out through several programs: (1) organizing webinars for teachers about computational thinking and Gerakan Pandai, (2) organizing training prog-rams for students about Tantangan Bebras, and (3) organizing Tantangan Bebras. The results of this PPM activity are expected to increase the knowledge of teachers and students about computational thinking to be applied in daily activities, and the Tantangan Bebras competition activities can be a medium to identify great potential and outstanding students. All of these PPM activities can also establish good relations between Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and educational institutions in the Gunungkidul region.


Computational Thinking, Compassion, Children's Education System.

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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