Penerapan program literasi digital melalui computational thinking dalam pembelajaran

Fitri Nurmahmudah, Dinan Yulianto, Zidnii ilma Nafia


Technological developments require elements of education to be more intense in utilizing it, especially in the educational element. The teacher as the main core of learning needs to improve the ability to be able to manage learning as intelligently as possible. Computational thinking is used as an integration of methods that need to be improved to develop learning through critical thinking and problem solving in students. This Community Service aims to utilize technology in using computers to improve thinking and change learning patterns. The method used in this community service is to provide training to PAUD teachers in Sleman. The results obtained were that PAUD teachers in Sleman had new experiences in operating and using computers to create more critical learning themes and increase knowledge in determining learning themes by applying computational thinking.


computational thinking, problem solving, critical thinking

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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