Penyusunan RPP format terbaru mewujudkan merdeka belajar bagi guru sekolah dasar di PCM Prambanan

Probosiwi Probosiwi, Lisa Retnasari


The training background for preparing learning tools is the importance of compiling excellent and innovative learning tools for each material presented to students. The aim of this training is that elementary school teachers can create and compile good learning schemes so that the participation of teachers in the ideals of independent learning can be realized. The topic raised was the preparation of learning tools in the form of the latest Learning Implementation Plans (RPP) format, integrated with character learning for students. The writer's analytical method chosen by the writer is descriptive by describing preparing the teacher's latest RPP format. The data collection technique was done by observing and studying the documents. The subjects studied were SD / MI teachers at PCM Prambanan. The object studied is the RPP document. The activity results showed that the training participants had good enthusiasm during the training, were communicative on Whatsapp Group in terms of technical work, and produced lesson plans adapted to the latest formats and classes. The teachers compiling the lesson plans also relate to the character education taught in each course. Also, teachers become more motivated in preparing lesson plans because the components are shorter


Learning Implementation Plans (RPP) latest format, independent learning, teacher

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Copyright (c) 2020 Probosiwi Probosiwi, Lisa Retnasari

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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