Pelatihan pembuatan batik ecoprint sebagai media pembelajaran IPA bagi guru SD di PCM Berbah

Fery Setyaningrum, Siwi Purwanti


Science learning needs to be given to students because it provides an opportunity to cultivate natural curiosity, seeking answers to natural phenomena based on evidence. the need for a learning media in the form of batik ecoprint as a tool to convey material that should be taught by the teacher and understood by students. The objectives of the implementation are (1) to increase the knowledge of elementary school teachers in the development of learning media (2) to improve the skills of elementary school teachers in mastering science learning materials for students, (3) to improve the quality of the learning process; (4) processing the creative ideas of elementary school teachers. Implementation methods are lectures, discussions, and performance, as well as Self and Group Reflection. Learning Outcomes of the batik training  were ecoprint carried out smoothly for 4 days with (1) days of introduction to the basic batik ecoprint, science learning media, and batik tools ecoprint, on day (2) the implementation of joint practice to finishing the cloth, day (3) was provided with assistance practice, and (4) further assistance in batik. The processing of the teacher's creative ideas is implemented by giving 8 stages of the practice of making batik ecoprint using techniques steaming which we do (1) dyeing the fabric, (2) soaking the cloth, (3) soaking the leaves, (4) attaching the leaves to the cloth, (5) rolling the fabric, (6) binding the fabric before steaming, (7) steaming the fabric, (8) finishing. The impact is an increase in the competence of elementary school teachers


Batik Ecoprint, Media Education, Natural Sciences, Primary teachers

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Copyright (c) 2020 Fery Setyaningrum, Siwi Purwanti

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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