Pelatihan Pengolahan Lele Hasil Pekarangan di Dusun Ngunan-unan, Desa Srigading, Kecamatan Sanden Bantul
The Bumi Ijo group and the people of Dusun Ngunan-unan are among the areas that have used their yards. However, until now the results are still for sale and have not been further processed. This service aims to provide training in the management of yard products to increase additional income for the surrounding community. This service uses training methods including training on the management of catfish products in the form of shredded and nuggets. This service is carried out in Bumi Ijo Community, which is a community engaged in utilizing yards located in Ngunan-unan Hamlet, Srigading Village, Sanden District, Yogyakarta. The result of this program implementation is an increase in the knowledge and skills of participants in managing household products for the Lele Concrete Bus which previously were only fried and sold in whole form into shredded and nuggets. Participants followed up on this skill improvement by practicing catfish processing after the training was held.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Marsudi Endang Sri Rejeki, Dini Yuniarti, Adhitya Rechandy Christian

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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