Pendampingan pengolahan data nilai siswa berbasis web
Reporting of learning outcomes is a collection of the final grades of all subjects taken by students in a particular academic year semester. The processing of grade reports at SD Muhammadiyah Ambarketawang 3 in handling the administration of reporting learning outcomes is currently not effective, where data collection and processing takes several weeks to get the final result. This is because the data obtained by data collection has not been centralized and stored offline. This community service is to provide solutions to problems by implementing the E-rapot application which is an online learning outcome data management application so that it can be processed and monitored from anywhere. The method of activity is providing training to teachers for assistance in web-based value processing. The results of community service activities have increased the understanding and skills of teachers to manage student learning outcomes data online. It is hoped that the increase in understanding is expected in the future to make reports on students' online learning outcomes more effective and with maximum results. In addition, in the era of the COVID 19 pandemic, teacher reports have become easier for school principals to monitor.
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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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