Pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pendampingan peningkatan kualitas produksi dan pengemasan snack

Isana Arum Primasari, Choirul Bariyah


Pandemic COVID-19 is a major disaster that hit the world and indonesia. One of the community groups as entrepreneurs affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are PC Aisyiah in Gondomanan where until now still restrict activities off-line. Most partisipant of PCA Gondomanan are household-produced snack sellers. Snack products include bakpia, macaroni, tahu walik, various kinds of chips to sambal. It is important to note that the production process during this pandemic is one of the conditions of sale whether the product is clean in the process and free from corona virus. In addition, the necessity of a product to be able to look beautiful so that it deserves to be displayed in the selling content on line then it must have attractive packaging. Attractive packaging will be a shirt for the product so that it can captivate the buyer. Mentoring to the community is done to increase knowledge about the clean production process, taking into account safety, health and safety factors in the production process. As we know that the atmosphere of a hot and cramped work environment is also supported by the absence of uncomfortable and unsafe work facilities will occur at home. Packaging training is also given to businesses because packaging is a silent promotion, hence good packaging can convey the meaning of packaged products. After the implementation of Safety and Health Counseling production, Counseling and repair practices of work facilities as well as counseling and packaging practices, the result is strongly felt by PCA Gondomanan that many things need to be considered so that we can live healthy and comfortable during pandemic. The impact of this activity is also able to motivate other mothers who are still hesitant to sell snacks. 


snack, occupational safety, process health, comfort, packaging

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Lima alasan penting kemasan Produk diakses pada tanggal 14 Oktober 2020

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Copyright (c) 2020 Isana Arum Primasari, Choirul Bariyah

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
LPPM Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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