Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Pemeliharaan Alat Sistem Pengairan Otomatis dan Online Marketing Produk Pertanian Desa Wareng

Phisca Aditya Rosyady, Anton Yudhana, Son Ali Akbar


The use of digital media as a medium of communication is increasingly in demand. This fact turns out to encourage many business actors to use digital media as a means of communicating with consumers. Including business actors in areas such as in Singkar Hamlet. The people there cultivate empon-empon plants which are planted in the local residents' yards and processed into herbal medicine or just for personal consumption. The production of herbal medicine in Singkar Hamlet is managed by a local community group. Dusun Singkar has implemented an automatic search system for the cultivation of empon empon plants. The irrigation tool was adapted from the results of research by lecturers of the UAD Electrical Engineering study program for agricultural irrigation. The problem faced by the community is the lack of knowledge regarding the maintenance of the automatic irrigation tool, which causes  the tool to not operate optimally. In addition, the marketing process for the herbal products is still simple. Therefore, through this community service program, training will be organized on how to maintain automatic irrigation system equipment and product marketing. The output of this community service is in the form of accounts and marketing content in online marketplaces such as BukaLapak, Tokopedia, and others. In addition, publications in journals and proceedings as well as the mass media.


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Copyright (c) 2020 Phisca Aditya Rosyady, Anton Yudhana, Son Ali Akbar

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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p-ISSN: 2686-2972 | e-ISSN: 2686-2964

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