Pelatihan penerapan teknologi toko online dan sosial media untuk pemasaran produk olahan ikan nila bagi ibu-ibu di Pimpinan Cabang 'Aisyiyah Polanharjo Klaten
The Community Service Program (PPM) was carried out by the Lecturer Team majoring in Informatics Engineering and Food Technology of UAD in collaboration with Pimpinan Cabang 'Aisyiyah (PCA), Kecamatan Polanharjo, Klaten as partners. Marketing and promotion is the most important thing in product sales. The mothers of 'Aisyiyah, especially those in Polanharjo, already have products to commercialize or sell, one of which is processed food products from Nila fish. The product sales system is still carried out by entrusting the product in neighboring shops and marketing from mouth to mouth, So innovation is needed in marketing to increase sales of partner products. This PPM activity aims to apply technology, by creating online stores and social media for online marketing of products, for partners and then training partners to use them. The program implemented is conducting training to the mothers of 'Aisyiyah utilize online store technology and social media as online marketing media. The result of PPM activities is that partners are able to use online shop websites and social media for product marketing well. The enthusiasm of the participants, namely partners in participating in this program, as well as the increased skills of participants in utilizing online marketing technology, are good benchmarks for the success of this service program.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Dwi Normawati, Titisari Juwitaningtyas, Anna Hendri Soleliza Jones

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
LPPM Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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