Pelatihan pembuatan media pembelajaran dan penggunaan aplikasi rapor bagi guru TK Perintis Sendangtirto Kecamatan Berbah

Adhi Prahara, Ahmad Azhari


Perintis Kindergarten in Sendangtirto, Berbah, Yogyakarta has a mission to implement the PERINTIS (Personality, Innovative, Creative, Smart) learning system which can be realized by utilizing technology such as learning media and applications to support learning activities. However, the implementation is not yet optimal because the teachers are still using conventional learning media that are less interactive, thus reducing the learning experience of students. Moreover, with a lot of number of students, student data management and student evaluation report are not effective if they are still done manually. Therefore, this community services activity holds a training program to make learning media and to use kindergarten report application for the teachers in Perintis Kindergarten. The purpose is that teachers can take advantage of technology to make learning media such as interactive animated video with interesting video and audio to increase the student learning experiences and to use kindergarten report application that apply digital documentation to facilitate data management and make student evaluation reports. The method used in this program namely preparation, knowledge about learning media and evaluation report application, training, mentoring, and evaluation. The result of this training program is every teacher can make their own animated video product, manage the student data and make student evaluation report through the application properly.  


community services, learning media, animated video, evaluation report application

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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