Diversifikasi Olahan Makanan Berbasis Ikan di Daerah Tanjung Selor Kalimantan Utara Menjadi Produk Unggulan di Daerah 3 T

Retnosyari Septiyani, S Agus Widada, Ridwan Budi Prasetyo


This community service in the Tanjung Selor area, Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan aims to diversify processed fish products to become featured products in the 3 T regions (Least Developed, Frontier and Outermost). In this area, fishery products are very abundant, but the use of processed food products is still very limited because of the lack of experience and knowledge about processed fishery products. So far, fishery products are only sold in the form of fresh fish and salted fish, so their marketing is still very limited. In this training and mentoring program which is funded by the Department of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives of North Kalimantan, diversification is carried out in the form of fish sempol, fish cookies, fish floss and fish dawet drink which are expected to be superior products produced by MSMEs. to increase the welfare and income of the local community. In addition, training on product packaging and proper food processing was also provided so that products could be marketed more widely with good quality. This training was attended by 20 MSMEs with female entrepreneurs processing fishery products in the Tanjung Selor area, Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan. The results of the subsequent training were exhibited at the local regional product exhibition.


diversification of fish products, women MSMEs, 3T regions

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Copyright (c) 2020 Retnosyari Septiyani, S Agus Widada, Ridwan Budi Prasetyo

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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