Pelatihan pembuatan sabun cuci tangan ramah lingkungan di Dusun Tegalsari, Purwosari, Girimulyo, Kulon Progo

Erna Astuti, Nining Sugihartini, Zainab Zainab


During this covid-19 pandemic, people are encouraged to wash their hands frequently with soap. To be sufficient the needs of hand washing soap, people can easily make their own hand washing soap. Tegalsari, Purwosari, Girimulyo, Kulon Progo is a village in a row of Menoreh Hills which is rich in medicinal plants. Therefore, the village was ranked second in the Regency Level Family Medicinal Plants competition. With the existing potential, the village community was given training in making environmentally friendly hand soap. These community service activities include preparation, implementation and evaluation. The preparatory step was carried out by making a video on October 16, 2020 by 2 students. The implementation began by distributing pretest questions with googleform on October 21, 2020, video distribution on October 22, 2020, followed by online meetings with googlemeet on October 23, 2020. Evaluation of this training activity was carried out by distributing post test questions on October 24, 2020 and analyze the results. The result of the training was that the community's knowledge and skills on how to make hand washing soap increased by 29.63%. The community is able to make their own soap to meet the needs of hand washing soap in the village.


pandemic, hand soap, environmentally friendly

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Copyright (c) 2020 Erna Astuti, Nining Sugihartini, Zainab Zainab

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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